President's Page
Club News
(A few selected posts are below, in reverse chronological order. Most news is now sent to members via their email. So this page may not always be kept up to date.)
May 14th 2022
Hello Hams!
Fearless Leader, here.
Shack Days was well attended. Thank you!!
As well come to the first big event of the season, I encourage those who have not yet committed to volunteering to give me a call or email me.
I can be reached at 530-443-4049 via text or phone. Email is below.
The next meeting is Wednesday May 18th, 6PM at the clubhouse.
Michael Howell/KX6MMM
May 11th 2022
Hello Hams!
Fearless Leader, here.
Thank you Bruce/AJ6FB for doing the net tonight. The guys who work the net every week do this as a labor of love for the club and the hobby.
I want to encourage you all to volunteer for the upcoming events, as we have a busy summer. Grinduro is just around the corner and we are still in need of volunteers to cover all available positions for the days of the event. This is a unique opportunity to show the community that we are still here after the pandemic and to stay another 75 years.
Grinduro Race dates are May 19th through the 21st. We need parking patrol people, health and welfare monitoring for overnight and other folks to make the event on our end go as smoothly as possible. Non hams are encouraged to participate.
Shack Day is this Saturday starting 10 and usually clears out by 2, On the agenda is housekeeping, prewiring for security cameras and prepping for the meeting the following Wednesday (Meeting 5/18 @6PM). Bring some snack to share. The fridge has sodas.
There will be a Meeting Next week at 6pm and there will be an accompanying Zoom component for those who cannot be there in person.
The Zoom link is below
Onto other things.
I found a couple fun resources that you enjoy. There is an SDR website with links to online listening of radio from 2200 meters up to the microwave frequencies.
Here is the website:
As I am studying for me Extra Class, there is a man by the name Michael Burnette/AF7KB and his wife Kerry Burnette/KC7YL have a library of books, video and other resources available free and for a fee to access some helpful instruction on getting your license in all classes of amateur radio.
Here is their website:
Michael Howell is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting: May 18th at 6PM
Topic: MSARC meeting
Time: This is a recurring meeting Meet anytime
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 334 146 5861
Passcode: 2nPP4R
Celebrating 75 years
Michael Howell/KX6MMM
May 2022
Hello Hams:
Fearless Leader, here. The website will soon be working once the web demons are exercised and we are able to give you more to enjoy.
Michael Howell/KX6MMM
January 1, 2021
Hello Hams:
Fearless Leader here.
January is election month…for the club.
Offices that are coming up for election are:
***Vice president
All active members are eligible for offices. If you are interested in one of these offices, please send your name, call sign and the office you wish to run for to our club secretary. Go to the club roster for the email.
Only standing and current club members may run for office and vote for offices.
So make sure your dues are current.
Any club members who have not paid dues for 2021 should send in their dues, soon.
I want to thank everyone for allowing me to be of service to the club. This past year has been a trial for everyone, but we made it.
Other business:
Ken/KD6MC and I have been working to get a sign made for the building. The preliminary cost is $150. As soon as I can get a hard estimate and a mock up from the sign maker, I will forward it to you, for a vote. I wish to make it possible for everyone to pitch in a few bucks toward the purchase price of the sign. If everyone does a little, the heavy jobs seem lighter.
Thank you again and 73
Michael Howell/KX6MMM
***Club Needs:***
The clubhouse is always needing things to improve the usability and comfort of the space. The list will change from time to time.
We need printer cartridges
Office products
Spare and current testing books such as ARRL Tech, General and Extra Class.
JULY 2020
Shack Day will be on the 11th of July
We will be restarting our business meetings. Our first meeting it is going to be at the clubhouse on the 15th of July, if there is no erupting volcano, alien invasion or something else of that nature.
All are encouraged to attend.
There will be radio equipment in the meeting room at the clubhouse to take for club members who need it.
Contact me if you have any questions:
Have a great week and see you on Shack Day.
Michael Howell/KX6MMM
June 2020
The nets will continue as they have been, for the foreseeable future.
This month there is a Shack Day at the clubhouse on Saturday, June 13th.
Normal Covid-19 precautions should be taken.
The end of June is Field Day. The Elmers in the club know how this works but for those who do not, please reach out.
Here is a link to the ARRL website:
Contact Bruce, AJ6FB for Field Day details or if you have helpful suggestions.
Our Facebook page needs more posts from you, the members.
Post your QSO cards, share a story about a contact or do you have a question that we all can work on together.